Monday, May 18, 2009

Online Marketing, Austin, and The Search Tail

Online Marketing, Austin, and The Search Tail

Apparently The Search is like a comet, or a puppy. It has (at least) a head and a tail. The head of The Search is comprised of the most obvious terms searchers use to get to your site; well, to your site and millions of other similar destinations. Follow me to more mysteries of online marketing, Austin!

Lots of lots of people search for “online games” as we might expect; however, the cumulative numbers of folks who use search terms further down the top ranking can approach or even exceed the top terms.

The confusion of online marketing and The Search Tail

I know this is confusing. Math is always confusing.

So, say 100 people search for “online games” and 50 people search for “gross online games” and 50 people search for “disgusting flash online games” and 50 people search for “sick shockwave online games” – well, those oxymoronic longer/lesser searches would actually net you more hits for your online marketing, Austin! Plus, it’s easier to rank higher with the more offbeat terms than the standards.

Online Marketing, Austin and The Profusion of Metaphor

Search Tail vs. Search Head can also be defined as the eternal race twixt turtle and hare. The race is not always to the flashiest – think of keywords further down The Search Tail when you think of online marketing, Austin – and don’t forget to include missspelllingsssss!

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Sunday, May 17, 2009

Summer, Games and Interactive Marketing, Austin

Summer vacation is looming – for children it beckons; for parents it looms. Children imagine a vast landscape of indolence; parents know that all too soon the whine will begin, “there’s nothing to do.”

If you want to learn about interactive marketing, Austin, you must first understand the human condition, and a big part of being human is the need to DO STUFF.

Games and Interactive Marketing, Austin:
Let’s focus a minute on the interactive part of interactive marketing, Austin, and as long as we’ve got summer and kids on the brain, let’s talk about interactive games.

If you’ve got a giant budget, this is a breeze – get a game concept that advertises your company, a team of programmers, and boom goes the dynamite – an explosion of traffic to your site.

But even if your budget hovers near zero, you’ve got some pretty good options for interactive marketing, Austin; there are zillions of websites that offer free embeddable games. With some “research” time playing the games, you might well find one or two at Kewlbox or NovelGames that mesh with your site concept and provide some stickiness and return visits.

Be Creative On a Budget With Interactive Marketing, Austin!
For a low-cost alternative for interactive marketing, Austin, look for Flash components or Flash .fla files of games that can be cheaply purchased and quickly modified to suit your business. There are lots of really good Flash programmers out there who are working to make the big time, just like you, Austin.

Summer brings the terrors of HYPER-active home to parents across our great nation, but you can bring the joys of interactive marketing, Austin, to the great world wide interweb, with interactive games – for great assistance with online marketing services in Austin, check this out!

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

How about viral interactive marketing, Austin?

How about viral interactive marketing, Austin?

We can question the why of how the notion of viral infection became associated with interactive marketing, Austin – I mean, the connotations are lousy – for that matter, why wasn’t it louse-y interactive marketing, Austin; I mean, louses multiply and infect, do they not?

The concept is that an idea, an application, an article, is so helpful, so funny, so quotable, that you instantly want to share it with people you know, and they instantly want to share it with people they know -- it’s infectious: that’s the essence of viral interactive marketing, Austin.

Examples of Viral Interactive Marketing, Austin:
Videos are a prime example of this share-the-humor, as are Top 10 lists or good primary how-to lists or concise sets of definitions or software that successfully scratches a common itch.

Viruses are possibly even more life-at-any-cost than our own species; conscience-less, they invade and explode exponentially with elegant mathematical roiling waves that I could map out were I a mathematician rather than a hopeful in interactive marketing, Austin, much like yourself.

And as a hopeful in interactive marketing, Austin, my boy, were I to name the phenomenon, I’d go for “Joyous Marketing” over “Viral Marketing” – laughter is infectious as well, and the joy of new discovery fits the notion better of what we’re trying to accomplish.

And click here for great help with online marketing services in Austin